Here are five more health benefits of this relaxing yoga pose.
1. Reduces edema in the legs and feet.
By reversing the effects of gravity on your legs and feet, it can really help move any stuck or stagnant fluid that may collect there if you have low blood pressure or spend a lot of time standing up during the day. In this pose, you will use gravity to your advantage. 5 reasons to kick your feet
2. Relieve tired leg muscles.
Hanging out with your legs on the wall is one of the best ways to help drain tension from your legs, feet, and even your hips if you have them raised in blocks.
If you have a strap around your legs and have been given an extended period of time to allow your body to fully relax in the pose, you will find that tired and sore legs will feel much better once you get out of your pose. .
3. It gives you all the benefits of the investment, without the effort.
Chances are, you know how good investments are for you right now: They can help reverse the effects of gravity on the entire system, help regulate blood pressure, help move clogged fluids, and even help improve your digestion.
However, sometimes the energetic expressions of investments like Handstand are too much. We all have times in our lives when we need something that is totally nutritious, and that's where Legs Up the Wall comes in.
You will still reap many of the benefits of active investing, while also resting and giving up completely. 5 reasons to kick your feet
4. It is super calming for the nervous system.
This pose is really meant to be a deeply relaxing pose. When you combine a longer Legs Up the Wall grip with slow, rhythmic breathing, you'll take advantage of your "rest and digest" nervous response.
In this state, your body will be actively digesting whatever you have eaten, and it will work to heal and repair your body. When you do postures like Legs Up the Wall constantly over a period of time, you can notice that your body feels healthier overall and that you're better able to find a calm state of mind.
5. It helps calm the mind.
As mentioned in the previous point, this pose can help you cultivate a calm mind if you practice it for a period of time. By completely releasing and relaxing your body and concentrating on deep breathing, you will evoke a meditative state.
Making the body feel safe and supported is one of the tools that we as yogis use to help us reach this state of peace. As you breathe, give up and let go, you can find yourself blissful!
so lets try it at home in your own time to keep you healthy. Thank you very much